For New Patient Appointments and Acute Visits please call the office at 802-461-7238.
All other appointments can be book by either scheduling online using the link below, or by calling the office.
New Patient Appointment (Call 802-461-7238 to schedule your first appointment)
60 min comprehensive appointment where we discuss all current symptoms as well as your intake form.
40 min Follow Up Appointment
For complex follow up on current conditions, or to be used by existing patients who have new conditions to discuss.
25 min Follow Up Appointment
For brief follow up on current conditions, or to be used by existing patients who have new symptoms to discuss.
Wellness Exam - Adult or Child
For well child visits: 2,4,6 weeks of age, 4,6,9,12,18, 24 months of age, yearly after age 2
For sports physicals
For adults’ yearly physical
Acute Visit (Call 802-461-7238 to schedule)
A few time slots are allotted daily for acute visits. Acute appointments are for symptoms that have sudden onset and need immediate attention. Please call the office to schedule.